Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Spring Framework 2.5 Released


The latest version of Spring is released, and it has tons of new features. I can't wait to get them going in some of my projects. I'm especially excited about using the @Resource annotation support.

The good folks at InfoQ have posted the first of a series of articles about Spring 2.5. Have a look...

Thursday, November 15, 2007

NBC Pulls their Youtube Channel

I just noticed today that NBC pulled down their YouTube channel. This is a tragedy. I loved watching the stuff they put up. I was generally impressed with NBC and the amount of content they were putting out on YouTube. Hell, I am still impressed that you could watch past episodes of their shows on their site.

Unfortunately, I shouldn't have to be impressed by this. How hard is that? You lace some commercials in for revenue and you put the stuff online to watch. How different is that from TV right now?

Good bye http://www.youtube.com/NBC, thanks for breaking all the links on my SNL Digital Shorts post...