Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Hibernate 3.3 and Hibernate-memcached

I spent some time looking over the new Cache SPI released in Hibernate 3.3.0.GA. Definitely a much more in-depth API compared to the old CacheProvider/Cache interfaces. Following the new interfaces (RegionFactory, Region) you can be much more aware as to your specific responsibilities in the caching system.

I have tested that hibernate-memcached remains compatible with hibernate-3.3.0 and everything looks fine. I am going to hold off on implementing a RegionFactory/Region based implementation for now and do that as a post 1.0 release. It will require some refactoring to the current code base to get it to play nice with both APIs (I'd like to stay compatible with 3.2 for a while).

So, look forward to a hibernate-memcached 1.0 release tonight, or maybe tomorrow.

P.S. Hello China! According to Google analytics, a link from javaeye.com is generating 250+ hits a day to the hibernate-memcached project site right now.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Nihao" from China,good lib, waitting for the new version.