Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Note to Self: Read About Automating Ubuntu Installs

The Ubuntu documentation mentions using preseeding files to automate the Ubuntu 8. I may end up having the Ubuntu installs be automated into VMWare anyway, so maybe just a clean VM is the way to go.


Anonymous said...

Hey Ray, what's up? Just curious, why VMWare over a native install (possibly dual boot)?

Ray Krueger said...

The problem with dual booting (which I was doing), is that it cuts me off from the corporate side of my laptop. Outlook and stuff like that, Linux still has no complete solution there. Evolution Exchange integration is pretty weak and brittle.

Anonymous said...

Kind of ironic, but I use VMWare on my Ubuntu powered laptop to run Windows for my corporate stuff :)

Ray Krueger said...

I would totally do that, but I don't feel like redoing the IT Windows install :P